Partner-based Fitness

Working out with a partner is so so soooo beneficial – for both of you!  Not only are you both getting more fit physically, you are growing mentally and emotionally.  When you workout with a partner (whether it is a close friend or your spouse), your motivation and enjoyment of the workout sky rockets!  Your partner can help you push past those barriers that you were too afraid to cross by yourself.  And your partner can encourage you to show-up to the workout that you would have otherwise skipped.


Plus, partner-based fitness is super fun!  Need some ideas for working out with your partner?  Check out these exercises:



  • Partner Runs – if you and your partner enjoy the outdoors, this one can be fun!  Find a remote trail (since you are not alone, safety is less of a concern), and simply jog together.  You’ll have someone to show the interesting sights and smells along the trail.  And when you or your partner starts to lose pace, you can easily encourage each other to keep it up until the next bush/tree/rock.  Partner runs are a great way to get better at running and increase your relationship with your partner
  • Fitness Classes – this one is super simple and super fun!  Next time you are heading to your regular fitness class, bring your partner with you!  You’ll have someone to smile at sarcastically when the instructor tells you “just 30 more seconds, you got this!”  You’ll have someone to high-five once those tough 30 seconds are over.  Most importantly, you’ll have someone to motivate you and remind you to show up to the class in the first place!
  • Partner Yoga – this one is my personal favorite.  While you won’t get the greatest workout in partner yoga, you will get pushed farther into your practice, and your relationship will grow tremendously.  Plus, if you find a great teacher, you will have a ton of fun while you explore each others bodies in a non-sexual way.  Partner yoga is a great way to build trust – especially when your partner is holding you up using only their feet!  Partner yoga isn’t just for couples, either!  It is a fun way to spend an hour or two with a close friend as well.  Just go in with an open mind and trust that you and your partner are strong and stable.



Honestly, you can bring your partner with you to any of your workouts!  From weight-lifting, to Zumba, to sports.  Having someone there makes the time fly by and helps you laugh and smile, even during the peak of the workout.

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