Creating Healthy Habits

It’s never too late to start a healthy habit!  So why not start today?  


Below is a list of daily habits that you can practice for a healthier life.  When adding or changing a habit, it is best to focus on one at a time.  I suggest picking the habit that sounds the most appealing to you, and practicing it whole-heartedly for one week.  If after that week it has become part of your daily routine, pick a new habit to add to your daily routine!  If not, use another week to incorporate the original habit.  Either way, once the habit becomes routine, it is time to pick a new one to bring your life up to the next level!


    1. Drink Water: start the day with water, end the day with water, and fill your day with water! There is no better beverage on this planet – it is the ultimate fuel for your body. To make this a true habit, invest in a large BPA-free water bottle and take it everywhere.  With water within hands reach, you will definitely drink more, which will only increase your health.


  • Sweat Daily: exercise has soooooo many health benefits!  You will start looking and feeling amazing in a multitude of ways.  There are two general types of exercise: aerobic and anaerobic.  Aerobic exercise includes cardiovascular activities like running, biking, or swimming.  Anaerobic exercise includes muscle-building activities like lifting weights, jumping, and sprinting.  Do you want to multitask?  You can accomplish anaerobic and aerobic exercise at the same time at gym classes like Zumba, BODYPUMP, CXWORKS, and R.I.P.P.E.D.!  To learn more about these classes, you can read about them here.  If you’re new to exercising, start by sweating for 15 minutes a day, and gradually increase to at least a full hour of exercise daily – you won’t regret it!
  • Stretch Daily: your body is going to need some stretching after all that exercise!  Stretching releases lactic acid, so your body doesn’t feel sore after working out.  It is best to stretch when your muscles are warm, preferably after your workout.  If you need more guidance while you stretch, try practicing yoga!  Not only will you increase your flexibility, you will gain bountiful mental and physical benefits.  Curious about yoga?  Read about a basic yoga class here.
  • Journal: now we have 3 solid physical habits, so it’s time to work on the mind.  Journaling is recommended by nearly every mental health professional as an everyday practice to increase emotional well-being.  People that journal feel happier, more at peace with the world, and less stressed.  To make this a daily habit, try journaling at the end of the day before you go to sleep.  You can recount the day’s activities: what went well and what went wrong.  Try to journal without judgement; simply reflect on what happened and think about what you could do better next time.  Journaling is a powerful activity that will truly increase your mental health.
  • Enjoy Nature: don’t forget about Mother Earth – she is everyone’s friend!  Who doesn’t enjoy sunshine and fresh air after being stuck inside all day?  And spending just a half hour in the sun can give you your daily dose of Vitamin D which helps increase happiness among other benefits.  If you are able, try to use your lunch break to spend some time with Mother Nature.  Maybe you can even take your lunch outside so that you take in Vitamin D as you digest all the nutrients in your wholesome meal.



With these 5 habits, you are well on your way to living a happy, healthy life. If you have any other healthy habits that you live by, feel free to comment below!


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